Münster: Old Town Highlights Guided Tour
During our guided tour of the old town of Münster, you will learn at St. Paul's Cathedral how the small Saxon settlement of Mimigernaford became the city of Münster, what the cathedral immunity was all about and how the earlier disputes between merchants and clergy still affect the cityscape today. Hear how the rule of the Anabaptists in the 16th century led, among other things, to the tower of the Überwasserkirche standing there without a point to this day and some of the saints there remaining headless. The cages symbolizing the end of the Anabaptist movement can still be seen on the tower of the market church of St. Lambertus, where the tower keeper worked. You can get to know the history of the Westphalian peace negotiations at the historic town hall, which, as the place where the peace was signed between the Dutch and the Spaniards in the Peace Hall, is today a symbol of the Peace of Westphalia, which put an end to the horrors of the Thirty Years' War in 1648. In addition, with the Erbdrostenhof and the Clemenskirche, you will find two exemplary buildings by the Baroque master builder Johann Conrad Schlaun, whose style is still characteristic of the face of the city today.